VA Disability

Deciphering the VA Rating Decision: Understanding What’s Inside

For veterans navigating the complex world of VA disability benefits, receiving a VA rating decision is a significant milestone.    By Matthew J. Brown, Esq. VA-accredited attorney and partner at Wolf & Brown Law Offices This document is the culmination of a lengthy process and contains vital information that determines the level of disability compensation…

C&P Examinations – How Important They Are and What You Should Know

When filing for VA disability compensation, VA may ask you to attend an examination as part of the claims process. Generally, the purpose of this examination is to determine if you claimed disability is service-connected; or alternatively, to determine if the severity of your current service-connected condition is worsening, static, or improving.    By Matthew…

“Glitch” blamed for delaying veterans disability claims for years

From “About 32,000 veterans’ disability claims were delayed — some as long as five years — due to a technical flaw in federal filing systems, Veterans Affairs officials acknowledged this week.” Although the number of claims is reported to be a “fraction” of the millions of claim filed since the beginning 2018, “Department leaders…

Bill allowing service members to file malpractice claims in district court advances in US House

“The new bill — Healthcare, Equality and Rights for Heroes, or HERO Act — would allow troops to take their claims to district court”, Stars & Stripes reports. “The way that the process works now is a service member’s first step is submitting a claim with their military branch, Panetta said. If that is denied,…