Tag Archives: Blue water veterans

‘Blue water’ veterans’ claims delayed again

Veterans Affairs officials recently announced that they will not start to process “blue water” Vietnam veterans claims until 2020. VA Secretary Robert Wilkie stated that the delay is intentional and ensures that the proper resources are allocated to meet the needs of the “Blue water” veterans community. However, some advocates are saying that the move is another disappointing delay…

13-year Blue Water case finally comes to a close

‘Blue Water’ Navy veteran Alfred Procopio Jr. persevered through 13 years of denials to prove that his illnesses were exposure-related and caused by the toxic chemical Agent Orange during his time of service. Procopio was 61 years old when he originally filed his claim. Next month, he’ll be 74. According to an article published by…

‘Blue water’ veterans bill heads for final signature

This week the Senate unanimously passed legislation that grants disability benefits to “blue water” Vietnam veterans. The bill has now been sent to the White House to officially become law. According to an article published by MilitaryTimes.com, “The legislation, passed unanimously by the House last month, has been a focus of advocates fighting to ensure nearly 90,000…

‘Blue Water’ Navy veterans closer to receiving benefits

This year, lawmakers are closer than ever to passing legislation which would give tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans medical benefits – decades after they were exposed to the chemical Agent Orange. According to an article published by WBFO 88.7, “In 1991, Congress passed legislation creating medical benefits for Vietnam veterans exposed to the herbicide….

Lawmakers pass ‘Blue Water’ Navy benefits bill once again

Recently lawmakers unanimously approved a bill that would extend benefits to Vietnam War sailors who have fought for years to prove they were exposed to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. The House voted 410-0 to advance the bill to the Senate, following a vote last year of 382-0. According to an article published by Stars…

Benefits for ‘blue water’ Vietnam veterans in motion

Lawmakers have once again passed a bill that would ease disability benefit rules for veterans who served on ships off the coasts of Vietnam and suffered serious illnesses. According to an article published by MilitaryTimes.com, “The legislation — the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act — passed 410-0 with strong messages of support from both Democratic and…

‘Blue Water’ veteran benefits one of 18 bills approved

Lats week, a Congressional committee approved a variety of legislation for veterans that included bills to extend benefits to “Blue Water” Navy veterans and create a fourth administration within the Department of Veteran Affairs. According to an article published by ConnectingVetsRadio.com, the committee Chairman Mark Takano “launched the meeting by highlighting the first bill on…

Lawmakers advocate for ‘Blue Water’ bill in wake of court ruling

Lawmakers recently gathered to discuss the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 and made their case for why the legislation is needed, saying it was the “quickest and clearest route” for providing benefits to ‘Blue Water’ Navy veterans. According to an article published by Stars and Stripes, the “Court of Appeals for the…

Final ruling delayed on ‘blue water’ Vietnam veterans benefits

This week the Supreme Court granted a 30-day extension to Department of Justice officials regarding the appeal of a January court ruling which extended presumptive benefits to tens of thousands of Navy veterans. According to an article published by MilitaryTimes.com, “advocates say they are not concerned by the move, calling it a typical legal maneuver and…

New ruling promises fix for ‘Blue Water’ Veterans

Last week, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Steve Daines, R-Mont., announced plans to back a ruling that promises a permanent fix for ‘Blue Water’ Vietnam veterans who claim that their rare illnesses are caused by exposure to chemical defoliants while in service. According to an article published by MilitaryTimes.com “[The] “blue water” veterans problem centers on…