A new year brings new and important considerations for obtaining veterans disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). If you have or are intending to pursue disability benefits and/or appeals, consider our Top 5 for 2025 guide for navigating the complicated process.
1. Continue to document the severity of your symptoms with your treating sources despite securing service-connection and an evaluation. The VA routinely re-examines the severity of the condition and Veterans want to ensure they can keep their current evaluations.
2. Be mindful (and even suspicious!) of YouTube videos, blog posts, and other social media about how “easy” it is to increase your evaluations or secure service-connection. These posts are not one-size-fits all and do not take a Veteran’s specific case variables into consideration.
3. Don’t think about not filing for benefits based on the thought process you will be taking benefits away from another Veteran. Veterans disability compensation is part of a total benefits package to which members of the armed forces may be entitled. Get the benefits you’ve earned.
4. Don’t stop fighting for benefits just because you get denied. The VA routinely denies seven out of 10 claims on initial application. Appeals are always an option.
5. Don’t be embarrassed or too prideful to seek medical treatment for your medical conditions. The right doctor and treatment plan can increase your quality of life.
Finally, successfully filing with the VA requires great attention to detail and the right representation. To build a compelling claim, Veterans should seek credible and experienced legal representation.