According to an article published by Channel 8 News, “just days after the VA awarded Navy veteran Lonnie Kilpatrick disability benefits for his exposure to toxic herbicides, Lonnie passed away. Over the course of a decade, the VA refused to approve his benefits, claiming that because he was stationed on Guam and not in Vietnam, he was not exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange.”
Last week, Representatives Gus Bilirakis (R) Florida and Michael San Nicolas (D) Guam introduced the “Lonnie Kilpatrick Central Pacific Herbicide Relief Act” into Congress. If passed, the legislation would grant exposure status to U.S. veterans who served on Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands and Johnston Atoll.
“It’s going to give us that first step toward giving care to our veteran community…” Representative San Nicolas said
“They’ve waited too long…People need health care as soon as possible and they need their benefits as soon as possible.” said Congressman Bilirakis.
To learn more about the Lonnie Kilpatrick Central Pacific Herbicide Relief Act, click here.
Relevant pages: Veterans Disability