According to an article published by, during a Senate Veterans Affairs hearing this week, Dr. Richard Stone (executive in charge of the Veterans Health Administration) announced that a decision regarding presumptive illnesses linked to Agent Orange would likely come in the next 3 months. This announcement would mean that conditions such as bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, hypertension and Parkinson’s-like symptoms would now be presumed Agent Orange illnesses.
According to studies conducted by the National Academy of Medicine, bladder cancer and hypothyroidism are likely linked to Agent Orange exposure and that a third condition, “Parkinson-like symptoms”, should also be included on the list of diseases presumed to be related to contact with the herbicide.
This announcement brought hope to many veterans living with bladder cancer and thyroid problems, as well as those who have essential tremors and other symptoms similar to Parkinson’s, but who haven’t been diagnosed with the disease.
A legal decision announced in January by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit may extend exposure benefits to sailors and Marines who have qualifying diseases and were assigned to ships offshore.
The VA announced Thursday it will not appeal the decision by a federal judge to award benefits to the veterans, known as the Blue Water Navy.
To learn more about this important announcement, click here.
Relevant pages: Veterans Disability